“A painting is not a picture of an experience, but is the experience.” - Mark Rothko

Latest Artists

Justin Suico


With an illustrious career, Suico has exhibited his paintings in prestigious art shows and galleries around the world, including Miami's Art Basel, Boomer Gallery in London's famous London Tower… more
Regina CĂ©lia Moraes Maslem


As pinturas do mar de Regina Maslem são em resina epóxi sobre painéis de madeira e, de preferência, dípticos. Sua pesquisa consiste em estudar o uso de pigmentos, com o objetivo de criar cores… more
Juan González Iglesias


At age 29 I experimented a spiritual awakening and it was translated, among other issues, in the development of a big artwork. I was moved to mix spiritual matters with pop culture, because this was… more
1834 - 1917
1887 - 1985
1960 - 1988
1891 - 1942
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