“The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real.”  - Lucian Freud

Latest Artists

Juliet Faldin


Juliet, originally from Ukraine, has dedicated the last eight years to developing her skills in design and art direction. Her journey has taken her across the globe, during which she has had the… more
Belmiro Antonio Jemusse


Belmiro Jemusse, also known as Jemmiro in the art scene was born in Mozambique on March 16, 1976. He moved to South Africa in 2003 to practice as a full-time artist and to escape what he describes as… more
walter dermul


My work is figurative, usually about people and their emotions – or the lack of emotion. About how people communicate with each other – or struggle with the inability to communicate – in their… more
1917 - 2005
1953 - 1997
1928 - 1987
1887 - 1927
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