walter dermul


My work is figurative, usually about people and their emotions – or the lack of emotion. About how people communicate with each other – or struggle with the inability to communicate – in their relationship with those around them, with their partner, with their children.

Or about growing children: how they look for the light or how they turn away from it. Their uncertainty about the future is often symbolized by an undefined cube – a black box, who knows, a Pandora’s box, in which everything is s.ll hidden.

Or about the aliena.on people can find themselves in aBer major events. Like uprooted refugees or homeless people.

Most of my work is kind of autobiographical. Based on twists and turns in my own life, I investigate the crossroads in which life takes shape. Often unconsciously and unintentionally, small or big moments have an indelible impact on everyone’s further life.

For example, I painted a series of works based on super-8 films that my father made in the early 1960s. The carefree years of a middle-class family – on a trip or on vaca.on. It’s like everything started in those years. The war was now well digested, everything was quickly getting ‘better’. The cars sparkled, plastics and concrete were gifts from the gods; there was no limit to faster, higher and more. But there, too, the circles seem to be closing again. We are gradually learning that there are indeed limits to our world can endure. And that we should therefore try to return to the intersection where we started the route. To make a beUer and more sustainable choice than before.

Shelter (2024) • 100 x 80 cm • oil on linen painting
Zilverberklaan 38, B 2820 Rijmenam, Belgium
fine art paintings
art and Music
creative culture

I have always been attracted to all things creative: poetry, literature, dance as well as painting and visual arts. Being17, I started a cultural school magazine. I often scoured the vernissages in Antwerp for that.

When choosing a study I first thought to enlist at the academy of arts in Antwerp – but my parents convinced me to pursue a university degree. And so I started business psychology and marketing in Ghent,. And that’s how I entered the advertising world. I have given the best of myself for many years, with great pleasure. Among others in the agency that I founded with 3 partners and eventually could give a place in the network of Saatchi & Saatchi. Afterwards I worked as an independent marketing and brand strategy consultant for many years. But gradually I started to wonder how my life would have turned out if I had chosen the other way at that crossroads long ago – and had gone to the academy. That’s how the easel, the tubes, the brushes and the canvas came into the house.

Today a lot has changed. The feeling that I’ve landed back at that split from then and that now I can start all over again, is something I gratefully and generously embrace. With the same enthusiasm and drive (and admittedly, with the same ambition) as in my earlier life, I am now working on a professional career as an art painter. To which destination it will take me is not yet entirely clear. But the road is certainly very fascinating.

walter dermul – °1953 – lives and works in Rijmenam

Ghent University, master in marketing, master in psychology
Introspection - retrospection
Martin Van Blerk Gallery Antwerp