“I want to touch people with my art. I want them to say 'he feels deeply, he feels tenderly.'” - Vincent Van Gogh

Latest Artists

Sirena Kowalska


My real name is Justyna Kowalska but you can call me Sirena. I am polish Ocean Artist & Mermaid. My art is an invitation to the quiet journey through the landscape of your own inner infinity,… more
Bushra Gill


  Inspired by Islamic geometric patterns, I tesselate images from everyday life to create rich and complex surface structures in/with paint, print, and wood collage. In the process, dimensions… more
Violeta De Leon Davila


I create dances with a contemporary language and dance techniques. I like the process of exploration of movement with the dancers, who are always flexible to change and twist ideas while the work is… more
1917 - 2005
1920 -2014
Chinese, French
1834 - 1917
1830 - 1903
1881- 1973
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