Tom Morgan

United Kingdom

Tom Morgan is a painter living and working in London. Initially introduced to painting through the Abstract Expressionists, his work continues to explore different ways to apply paint as well as different painting surfaces. He first came to London to study at the Slade School of Fine Art, where he completed his undergraduate degree. Here he began to be interested in the drama and energy that can be squeezed into smaller paintings, and he also started to bring objects from his new city surroundings into the studio to be used in his work. Part of his ongoing interest is considering how to make paintings for and from the urban environment; he makes works to be shown in both indoor and outdoor settings, and he makes his work in both indoor and outdoor working spaces. Drawing from a growing familiarity with urban scenery, a new thread emerging in his practice is the idea of working with graffiti as a collage material and an artistic tool within a studio-based painting practice. 

'Wall Collage #3.2', hung on public wall. Acrylic and oil on canvas, with broken iPhone, cable ties, and padlocks. 20x25cm approx.
Slade School of Fine Art, UCL