“I want to touch people with my art. I want them to say 'he feels deeply, he feels tenderly.'” - Vincent Van Gogh

Latest Artists

Iz Schrader


Isabelle "Iz" Schrader is a mixed media artist who specializes in traditional illustration, and her go-to medium is a ballpoint pen. Always observing, Iz explores the beauty in the mundane… more
Rebecka Torvik


Hi! My name is Rebecka. I'm a Shropshire based photographer who does landscapes, portraiture, and fine art.
Adriana Amodei


Adriana Amodei is a graduate in scenography of Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome. Since the 80s she explores shapes' and plastic arts' components and their articulation, ranging among different… more
1912 - 1956
1840 - 1926
1893 - 1983
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