Julie Hamel

United States

Julie Hamel is a multidisciplinary maker working with photographic media that speaks of loss and memory. Frequently using what's found in nature to highlight the distance in human interactions, she marks the importance of connections and the emotional effects of separation. Reflecting on the broader context of exposure, time, and sensitivity, her work simultaneously represents what may be absent or present, whether visually or emotionally. The results reveal associations emphasized by indexical evidence: this work physically happened, whether all at once, over the course of hours, or through an assembly of individual parts; much like our personal relationships throughout our lifetimes.

Black and white film photograph showing the open sky of the woods obscured by a black liquid viel causing the image to become abstract.

Hamel received her BFA with honors in photography, and a fellowship from the University of New Hampshire in 2010. After living in the South and Rocky Mountains, she returned to New England and now resides in New Hampshire. She received her MFA in Visual Arts from Lesley University College of Art + Design in Cambridge, MA in 2021. Hamel has won numerous awards and has shown across the United States and internationally including Canada, Budapest, England, Greece, Tokyo, and Italy.

BFA, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
MFA, Lesley Art + Design, Cambridge, MA