Ziyi Huang


In a sense, painting can be considered as a communication between the visible and the invisible. At the moment when the power of technology is infinitely expanding, the value of human beings is gradually lost, which perhaps due to the oblivion of the transcendental dimension. I hope to use painting to re-intuit the visible world, which is obscured by preconceptions, as well as the various mysteries and revelations that shine in it. At the same time, try to retrieve the connection between people, the world and the invisible, then present it as art works through individual perspective and language. Overall, I hope that my art can be a kind of reception and response to revelation.

Hollow Mountain No.4

This series of works depicts the scenes I saw while riding the cable car in the mountain. In modern urban life, people are increasingly alienated from nature, and our understanding of it is often stuck in concepts or fast-food-style image browsing. The only time I can have a complete experience of nature is when I go inside it in person. In the midair of the misty valley, I seem to had entered a blurry area between matter and spirit. The hazy landscape was constantly changing and flickering, yet maintaining some kind of constant order. It reminded me that nature is not just a background, it is from the same higher source as humans. In this sense, humankind and nature are equal creatures, with more or less traces of the divine.