Luca Lotruglio


Luca Lotruglio is a New Yorker that has been living in Washington state since August 2017.
Sandro Lopes


Visual Artist 
Sean Alistair Hampl


Sean Alistair is a queer self-taught Canadian born artist currently residing in the Bavarian countryside of Germany. His art is a visual journal where he discusses the intense impact of how seemingly… more
davide dasly mattera Dasly


As a multidisciplinary artist, exploration and research are part of my being. Fascinated by creation, I am interested in exploring its entire process, from the choice of materials to the finishing… more
Luigi Ulisse Iovane


I use photography as a means to identify and confront myself with the hidden qualities of my character, to better understand reality and the world in which I live. A clearer understanding of myself… more
William Josephs Radford


William Radford's artistic journey began with a pencil in his hand long before he could walk, drawing early inspiration from an unconventional upbringing. At 15, his fascination with cameras led him… more