“The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity.”  - Alberto Giacometti

Latest Artists

Regina CĂ©lia Moraes Maslem


As pinturas do mar de Regina Maslem são em resina epóxi sobre painéis de madeira e, de preferência, dípticos. Sua pesquisa consiste em estudar o uso de pigmentos, com o objetivo de criar cores… more
Juan González Iglesias


At age 29 I experimented a spiritual awakening and it was translated, among other issues, in the development of a big artwork. I was moved to mix spiritual matters with pop culture, because this was… more
Michaella Smart


Trained as a production potter, Michaella moved rapidly to ancient firing methods such as pit and barrel firings. For the last 5 years she’s been exploring the question of identity and connection… more
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