Jesse Benjamin Marie Blaauw Jesse Blaauw


My work intends to incite reflection and hold a space for conversation towards the embrace of paradox; two opposites that appear to contradict each other, but in reality are true through each… more
Ronny Reinecke


In meiner Malerei gibt es verschiedene Arten der Herangehensweise,denn Gefühle und Emotionen bleiben nie stehen, es würde sonst Stillstand bedeuten. Die Kunst sortiert meine Gefühle und Gedanken über… more
Billie M. Lawson


Billie is a 25-year-old analog collage artist based in Hartford, CT. In their work, Billie enjoys playing with color to balance compositions and create something exciting for their audience not just… more
Agostina Campisi


In the heart of a world saturated with negativity, Agostina Campisi emerges as a beacon of resilience and artistry. Her journey as a content moderator has exposed her to the darker corners of… more
Cristina Fontsare


Cristina Fontsare is a Barcelona based artist who works on long term projects creating visual stories of universal themes such as the cycles of life, growth, metamorphosis,the ongoing transformation… more
Neel Masrani


I am environmental engineering masters dropout now working as a art director for feature films. But my real aim is to make art that helps in replacing scripture by culture through art, and spread… more