“The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real.”  - Lucian Freud

Latest Artists

Mark Sajatovich


Personally, I believe creating art is an act of faith.  My work is the product of the tension between having the confidence to create a worthy message and trusting that that message is powerful… more
Pia Post


Inspired by what I see, by what I find and by what finds me, I seek to reveal the hidden life, the purest essence, and the deeply inherent beauty of my motives and the objects I work with. An… more
Chris Chung


I was born in Hong Kong and I came to England to study Business Administration and Psychology at Keele University. My Photography journey began 5 years ago when I was working as a Japanese Chef… more
1848 - 1903
1867 - 1956
1923 - 1997
1939 - 1992
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